Dear Defensive Designer…

Shannel Wheeler
5 min readMar 23, 2023

How dare clients ask me to use Canva!

Fiverr is taking over!

Why are they still using Powerpoint? Do they not know Keynote is much better?

I can’t believe they’re still using that software…

Who still uses bevels and drop shadows? Ugh!

As professional designers, we’ve put the work in. We’ve invested countless hours in front of the computer, years of study, and even some sleepless nights. The title of Designer should be earned, not given — right? We see the world through a unique lens, and as visual communicators, we reserve the right to uphold a standard for good design.

Yes, all of the above is true. But I’ve also noticed many online dialogues of designers who feel very strongly about what is and isn’t acceptable in the design world. Much of the discourse revolves around tools, techniques, and marketplaces that “real” designers should never use or the egregious violations of those outside of the community who pose threats to our very existence. This includes the use of “lowly” tools like Canva or offering extremely discounted services on Fiverr or Upwork. Some designers give a strong side-eye to other designers and wonder why they are diminishing the integrity of the field.



Shannel Wheeler

Left-brain creative | Brand/Design Implementation | Design Instruction and Inspiration | Creating with Purpose: